
1. To place 10 million street orphans in private homes and orphanages.


2. Recruit and fund 10 million widows to become Little Teresa’s.


3.Build 120 Charity Cities in 120 of the most needy countries.


4.To be part of a clean water network to provide clean drinking to over one billion people in one million villages.


5.Through our network of Charity Cities; to facilitate basic health care delivery services and the distribution of medicines.


6.Through Charity Cities’ Training Centers; provide basic remedial adult education and vocational training, including entrepreneurial instruction and facilitate the lending of micro loans for the poor to start a business.


7.Participate in the holding of Peace Rallies in countries around the world that promote peace and understanding of humankind across racial, cultural and religious boundaries.


8.Through GPI’s Global Peace One and GPI Aviation, provide direct and immediate disaster and relief aid within 24 hours to any part of the Earth by way of 76,000 pound cargo bay and 99 seat Boeing 747-SP.


9.Hold Annual Global Peace Summits in venues around the world that bring the leaders of countries together with grassroots citizens, including children to carry on new dialogues about how to secure peace through meeting basic human needs and broadening understanding of each other.


10.Establishment of a pilot program called Children’s United Nations that brings the world’s orphans children together to discuss the fundamental issues confronting mankind in hopes of melting hatred and barriers that traditionally plague peace negotiations.

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